Facing Foreclosure?

If you or someone you love is facing foreclosure it is certainly a scary experience.
We are here to tell you
You Don’t have to go it Alone.   

After the 2008-2011 Financial Crisis our country was hit by a tsunami of foreclosures, caused by the careless lending and equally careless foreclosure process.  New Jersey is a judicial state, which simply means Foreclosure in New Jersey is a legal matter, handled in the courts. Foreclosure in this context means the legal process a lender in New Jersey is required to follow in order to legally take possession of someone’s home, once they have defaulted on their mortgage. 

Since New Jersey is a Judicial state, this means lenders must follow the letter of the law in the legal proceedings that are required to take possession of a property through a foreclosure action. Unfortunately, many lenders were ill prepared for the tsunami of foreclosures and as such, many homeowners legal rights were trampled on leaving in some cases innocent families losing their home. 

After nearly 20 years in the business, I found some of my own clients in this unfortunate situation, as such I felt I had to act, so I got involved.  After once client, then another, then another called for advice as they were falling behind, I realized there is a sincere need for specialized foreclosure defense that had not previously existed.  I as well as other members of my team used our decades of lending regulatory knowledge assist approved attorneys in defending our clients as well as the general public, in defending their homes from predatory foreclosure practices. 

Unfortunately, market conditions are once again resembling those of early 2008. Values are over inflated, interest rates have dramatically increased, and many borrowing options have vanished.  
If you, or someone you know, might be in need of advice on facing a foreclosure action, have them contact us.

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See the successful work we have done to help our clients protect their home from predatory foreclosure practices. (The bank did negotiate a settlement on this case and the clients did retain their home.)
Credit to Channel 9 News. 


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